Tailored to you
Experiment with 100+ industries, 5 name styles, and other settings to create unique, memorable names for your business.
Find great names fast
When you see names you like, you can quickly check domain availability and make sure they check all the boxes by researching them.
Save your favorites
Keep track of your favorite names to create a shortlist and share them with others to get feedback.
Your name is the heart of your brand
It needs to be one that people will remember. You could easily spend 20+ hrs on naming if you do it all by yourself. That’s where we come in. NamePepper quickly creates hundreds of creative name ideas in different styles like rhyming and brandable.
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5 steps to discover your business name
You'll find a lot of advice online about how to pick a name for your business. But there are only a few can't miss steps. For a closer look with easy-to-grasp steps, check out our how to name a business guide.
Brainstorm a short list of words.
Start by coming up with a handful of words. Think about what you want your business name to communicate. The words can be strongly related to your business, part of your industry, and products you sell. Then turn up the heat and plug each of those into our name generator.
Narrow the names down to the best ones.
As you explore the name ideas we generate, pick your favorites. Then go through those and check if they’re easy to remember, speak, and spell. Think about whether they fit your brand personality and if they will become dated as your business grows.
Make sure the names check all the boxes.
Start researching the names you’ve gathered and check if the domain is available. Your domain doesn’t have to exactly match the name, so you can also check whether domain name variations are available. And check search engine results for the name to see if there is anything that would stop you from using the name.
Get feedback. Only the best names should make the cut.
Choose some people to run the names by and get a fresh perspective. Ideally, they are potential customers and those familiar with the industry. Friends, family, and colleagues are options too. Above all, you want people who will give honest, objective feedback.
You made it! Time to pick a final name.
Take the top names and do some final checks. You might want to check the business registry for where you live and do a search for existing trademarks. It all depends on the type of business you’re starting.
You should have all the info you need to pick a final name now. Good domain names go fast, so make sure you register a domain too. After all that work, don’t forget to celebrate. You deserve it!